CLRI - Left Border Colorado Literacy Research Initiative


July 1999 through June 2000

Over 100,000 Colorado Children
Live with a Parent Without a High School Education

Volume 3, No. 3, August 6, 1999 (.pdf)

Almost 40,000 Colorado Grandchildren Live with "Parenting Grandparents"
Volume 3, No. 4, August 9, 1999 (.pdf)

Measuring the Impact of Family Literacy Projects in Colorado
Volume 3, No. 5, August 10, 1999 (.pdf)

One-Third of Colorado's Three to Five Year Olds
Not Enrolled in Early Childhood Education Programs

Volume 3, No. 6, October 1, 1999 (.pdf)

Educational Attainment Tops Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity
as Predictor of 1998 Income

Volume 3, No. 7, October 12, 1999 (.pdf)

"Information-Rich" Households
Associated with Educational Attainment of "Key Consumer"

 Volume 3, No. 8, October 13, 1999 (.pdf)

At Risk Children in the Digital Divide
Volume 3, No. 9, October 19, 1999 (.pdf)

Internet Access, Adult Educational Attainment & At Risk Children
Volume 3, No. 10, October 20, 1999 (.pdf)

At Risk Conditions Predict Student Performance on
NAEP Civics Assessment

Volume 3, No. 11, December 9, 1999 (.pdf)

Colorado Preschoolers At Risk Due to Inadequate Home Literacy Activities
Volume 4, No. 1, February 22, 2000 (.pdf)

Maternal Education Outstrips Race & Ethnicity as  Predictor of Kindergartners' Reading Achievement
Volume 4, No. 2, February 24, 2000 (.pdf)

Maternal Education More Powerful Predictor of Kindergartners' Reading Scores Than Family Type
Volume 4, No. 3, March 13, 2000

Parental Education a More Powerful Predictor of Reading Scores at All School Levels
Volume 4, No. 4, April 20, 2000

Bigger Costs & Payoffs Associated with Educational Attainment in  U.S. Than Other Nations
Volume 4, No. 5, April 21, 2000




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Last updated: 07/11/2006