Many migrants to the US struggle with basic literacy in the English Language. Society as whole is wise when it offers classes and resources to help immigrants master the intricacies of our language.
Residents of our country become net contributors to our economy as their English approves. With English skills comes the ability go get better jobs and thus pay more taxes. Also they start to gain access to the credit market, making them stronger consumers and drivers of Economic growth.
As education, English skills, and experience improve, many enterprising immigrants start new businesses. These businesses in turn can increase employment levels amonst new immigrants and citizens alike as they expand and create more jobs!
Other benefits to English literacy is that immigrants with this skill can access the English language internet, rather than relying on the small portions of the internet written in their native tongue.
Websites like may be great resources for people living out of the country, but hold little benefits for people who have moved to the mountains of Colorado!